History of Operating Systems
According to Tanenbaum, the operating system developed very rapidly, which can be divided into four generations:
1. First generation (1945-1955)
The first generation is the early development of electronic computing systems as a substitute for mechanical computing system, it caused people to calculate the speed of humans is limited and very easy to make a faux pas, mistakes and even mistakes. In this generation there is no operating system, the computer system is instructed to do directly.
2. Second Generation (1955-1965)
The second generation introduced a Batch Processing System, the Job is done in a series, then executed berurutan.Pada this generation computer systems not equipped with operating systems, but some of the existing operating system functions, for example, is the operating system function FMS and IBSYS.
3. Third Generation (1965-1980)
In this generation the development of operating systems developed to serve many users at once, where users communicate via an interactive on-line terminal to the computer, the operating system into a multi-user (many users at once using gus) and multi-programming (programs serving many very good).
4. Fourth Generation (Post 1980)
Today, the operating system used for computer networks where users aware of the computers that are connected to each other. At this time our users have also been reassured by the Graphical User Interface is a computer interface based graphics are very comfortable, at this period also began the era of computing where computing-computing spread is no longer centered on one point, but split in many computer so that the performance achieved better.
Operating System Services
A good operating system according to Tanenbaum should have the following services: program development, program execution, accessing the I / O Device, controlled access to the file system access, detection and provision of feedback on errors, and accounting.
Making the program is operating system provides facilities and services to help the programmers to write programs; Program execution which means The instructions and data must be loaded into main memory, the device-parangkat input / output and file must be in-initialization, and the source- existing resources should be prepared, all that should be handled by the operating system; Access to I / O Device, which means that the Operating System has to take over a number of complicated instructions and control signals annoying to programmers be able to think simple and the device can operate; Access control to the file which means that provides protection mechanisms for controlling access to the file to the file; Access to means of accessing the system are used together (shared system); function accesses must provide protection against a number of resources and data from the user can not be distorted as well as resolving conflicts in the struggle for resource- power; Detection and giving feedback on errors, ie if it appears the problems appeared on a computer system, the operating system must provide feedback that describes the error that occurred and its impact on running applications; and Accounting, which means a good Operating System collects statistical data using a variety of sources -power and monitor the performance parameters.
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